Some Best Motivational Quotes for Students

In this post, I have collected motivational quotes from famous people on the topic ‘Motivational Quotes for Students‘. So If you are looking for this on Google, you must read this beautiful collection. So read the post till the end.

This collection will help you succeed if you follow these steps in your life. These motivational quotes will fill your brain with powerful motivation. So without any delay, we start the main part of the post here.

Motivational Quotes for Students

Motivational Quotes By Sandeep Maheshwari

  1. “If you are searching for the person who will change your life. Take a look in the mirror.” – Sandeep Maheshwari
sandeep maheshwari inspirational quotes
Motivational Quotes for Success

2. “If you can learn anything, you can do anything.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

3. “You might have failed, but you’re not a failure until you give up.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

4. “Success is all about action in the right direction.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

5. “If you really want to be successful, stop worrying about what you can get and start focusing on what you can do.” – Sandeep Maheshwari

For more read – Life-changing Motivational Quotes by Sandeep Maheshwari

Motivational Quotes by Bill Gates

  1. “It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” – Bill Gates
Motivational Quotes for success by bill gates
Motivational Quotes for Success

2. “Patience is a key element of success.” – Bill Gates

3. “I am not in competition with anyone but myself. my goal is to improve myself continuously.” – Bill Gates

4. “It’s possible, you can never know that the universe exists only for me. If so, it’s sure going well for me. I must admit.” – Bill Gates

5. “To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks.” – Bill Gates

Read more Quotes from Bill Gates Quotes Collection

Elon Musk Quotes on Success

  1. “Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.” – Elon Musk

2. “Failure is an option here. if things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” – Elon Musk

3. “I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” – Elon Musk

4. “You have to be pretty driven to make it happen. Otherwise, you will just make yourself miserable.” – Elon Musk

5. “I think most people can learn a lot more than they think they can.” – Elon Musk

Read more Quotes here- Elon Musk Quotes that will inspire you to succeed in life

Motivational Quotes by APJ Abdul Kalam

  1. “If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

2. “You have to dream before your dreams can come true.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

3. “To succeed in your mission, you must have a single-minded devotion to your goal.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

4. “If four things are followed- having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance, then anything will be achieved.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

5. “I firmly believe that unless one has tasted the bitter pill of failure, one can not aspire enough for success.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

Read more Quotes- Abdul Kalam Quotes on education and success

Motivational Quotes by Will Smith

  1. “The first step you have to say that you can.” – Will Smith

2. “Whatever you dream is, every extra penny you have needs to be going to that.” – Will Smith

3. “Don’t let success go to your heads and don’t let failure into your heart.” – Will Smith

4. “Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied to your with the life you’re living?” – Will Smith

5. “Life isn’t about yourself, life is about creating yourself.” – Will Smith

For more read – Will Smith Quotes to inspire you to succeed in life

Motivational Success Quotes by Ratan Tata

  1. “I don’t believe in making the right decisions. I take decisions and then make them right.” – Ratan Tata

2. “Always take a decision for even little things in life because it will make your path easy to walk on.” – Ratan Tata

3. “Never judge while taking any decision that whether it will turn right or wrong. Just take it by following your instinct because you will always get the chance to make it right.” – Ratan Tata

4. “Take the stones, people throw at you and use them to build a monument.” – Ratan Tata

For more read – Ratan Tata Quotes to inspire you on business, Success, and life

Inspirational Quotes by Mark Zuckerberg

  1. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk.” – Mark Zuckerberg

2. “Find that thing you are super passionate about.” – Mark Zuckerberg

3. “Some people dream of success. While others wake up and work hard at it.” – Mark Zuckerberg

4. “Don’t discount yourself, no matter what you are doing.” – Mark Zuckerberg

5. “If you actually do something you love, it’s a lot easier and takes on a lot more purpose.” – Mark Zuckerberg

For more read – Inspiring Mark Zuckerberg Quotes you must read

Motivational Quotes by Sadhguru

  1. “If you know how to be at ease within yourself, every situation is an opportunity.” – Sadhguru

2. “Nothing can be denied to you when your focus is one-pointed.” – Sadhguru

3. “Once you are clear about what you are doing and why. Other people’s opinions will not matter.” – Sadhguru

4. “If there is no risk of failure, there can be no success.” – Sadhguru

5. “There are no problems, only situations. It is all in how you approach them.” – Sadhguru

For more read – Sadhguru Quotes to enlighten your thoughts about life and spirituality

Motivational Quotes by Michael Jordan

  1. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

2. “To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.” – Michael Jordan

3. “If you do the work, you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.” – Michael Jordan

4. “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. ” – Michael Jordan

5. “I can accept failure but I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan

6. “I’ve always believed that if you put yourself to work, the results will come.” – Michael Jordan

For more read – Michael Jordan Quotes to prepare you for great success

Motivational Quotes by Abraham Lincoln

  1. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

2. “If you have never failed, you have never lived.” – Abraham Lincoln

3. “I am a slow walker, but I never walked back.” – Abraham Lincoln

4. “Always bear in mind that your resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing.” – Abraham Lincoln

5. “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” – Abraham Lincoln

For more read – Abraham Lincoln’s Quotes to always keep you motivated

Mother Teresa’s Inspiring Quotes

  1. “Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.” – Mother Teresa

2. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Mother Teresa

3. “The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.” – Mother Teresa

4. “God doesn’t require us to succeed. He only requires that you try.” – Mother Teresa

For more read – Best Mother Teresa quotes to inspire you in life

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I hope you will have been inspired reading this collection Motivational Quotes for Students. You will succeed if you follow these in your life with a positive attitude. If you like this post, share it with your friends on social media. Thank you for visiting the site.

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1 thought on “Some Best Motivational Quotes for Students”

  1. That was a wonderful blog to read. A rich collection of quotes with deep meanings and practical applications given by some of the most successful people ever. Tuned in for more such content.


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